13. MAKO CIGRE Conference
October, 5-7, 2025
UGD – Electrotehnical Faculty Stip
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Instructions for authors

Abstract submission

The abstracts are submitted through the web form available at Submit abstract. The abstract may be written in Macedonian or English.
The language in which the paper will be written can be changed when the manuscript is submitted.

For non Macedonian speaking authors, MAKO CIGRE will assist in translation of the Macedonian abstract, the title and transcription of names into Cyrillic. You can select this option when submitting the abstract.

The manuscript

The paper may be written either in English or Macedonian, and it should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines found in the following template in DOCX.

Please follow general principles for preparation of Conference papers. Papers must not be used for commercial presentation or advertisment of goods and services.

The following PDF document is an example how the manuscript should be prepared.

Pleaser follow the instructions for preparation of the manuscripts.

Manuscript submission

After acceptance of the abstract, the authors shall submit the manuscript before the deadline as one DOCX file, that will include both Macedonian and English abstracts!

The Organizer, during the preparation for publishing, will extract both abstracts and use them for web publication, as well as for publication in the Book of Abstracts. Depending on the language in which the manuscript is written, appropriate abstract will be included in the text.

Non Macedonian speaking authors may request (during the submission of the abstracts or later) help for translation of the paper title and abstract in Macedonian, as well as transcription of the names in Macedonian Cyrillic alphabet.

During the formatting of the paper, the Organizer will not change the text (unless there a obvious spelling errors), but rather prepare the text for publication.

The Organizer may request from the authors to resubmit the paper in cases when the submitted text is prepared in a way that significantly differs from the template, or the quality of the figures (photos or drawings) is unacceptably low or otherwise useless for publishing, etc.

Final version of the manuscript

The papers will be peer reviewed by reviewers selected by the Study Committees.

The decision of the reviewers with regards of the category of the paper (information or technical/scientific paper) is final!
The Organizer will decide on the presentation method (oral within SC sessions or poster/dialog), based the interest and the numbr of papers in each Study Committee.

The papers will be included in the Conference program and published in the Conference Proceedings only if they receive positive review, and the authors correct the papers following eventual (mandatory) requests for changes by the reviewers.

Authors will be notified about the results of the review and the Organizer may request form them to correct the papers if necessary. Study Committees will finally check if the authors had complied with the request for corrections and will finally confirm the acceptance.

After the paper has been finaly accepted, MAKO CIGRE will prepare the documents for publication and will ask the contact author to confirm the final version. If the contact author doesn't confirm the final version of the manuscript, it will be assumed that the final version is accepted.

Presentation kit