13. MAKO CIGRE Conference
October, 5-7, 2025
UGD – Electrotehnical Faculty Stip
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Information for authors

You have to be registered user in order to submit an abstract.
Please use the following link to register.

For the papers accepted for the Conference, abstracts will be published and will be publicly available at the Conference web site before the Conference, while the papers will available only to registered participants.

For additional information please send an e-mail to MAKO CIGRE 2025 Organizing Committee.

Important dates

Submission of abstracts March 15, 2025
Acceptance of the title May 1, 2025
Submission of the full text of the paper June 15, 2025
Review of the paper June 30, 2025
Submission of final text July 15, 2025

Submission of abstracts

The application should contain contact info for the author who submits the application, proposal in which Study Committee the paper should be presented, proposal for categorization (technical/scientific paper or information), proposal for method of presentation (oral session or poster/dialog) and a file with the abstract. The abstract may be written in Macedonian or English. The language in which the paper will be written can be changed when the manuscript is submitted.
The subject of the proposed paper should be within the scope of work of Study Committees. It is recommended that the subject of the paper is in the preferential subject list for the 2026 CIGRE Session.

Student papers
MAKO CIGRE encourages undergraduate students from technical faculties to submit abstracts for the Conference.
The papers should be related to the scope of work of MAKO CIGRE Study Committees.
Papers where the first author is an undergraduate student are considered as student papers. Accepted student papers shall be presented in a poster session which shall be organized for that purpose.
As a standard practice, student authors of these papers (and MAKO CIGRE members) do not pay conference fee.

For non Macedonian speaking authors, MAKO CIGRE will assist in translation of the Macedonian abstract, the title and transcription of names into Cyrillic. You can select this option when submitting the abstract.

MAKO CIGRE reserves the right to change the Study Committee, or to change the categorization of the paper based on the review, or to change the method of presentation, depending of the number of submitted papers in different Study Committees.

Acceptance of the title

After acceptance of the proposed title, the Organizing Committee will inform the contact author by e-mail.

Submission of the full text of the paper

The text of the paper shall be submitted the Conference web portal.

The papers may be written in Macedonian or English, and as such will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Short summaries shall be submitted both in English and Macedonian.
For non Macedonian speaking authors, MAKO CIGRE will assist in translation of the Macedonian abstract, the title and transcription of names into Cyrillic.

More detailed instructions for preparation of the manuscripts can be found at Instructions.

Review of the paper

The Organizing Committee will notify the contact author if the paper is accepted and may require corrections of the paper, based on the reviewer' or SC comments.

Submission of final text

Author(s) must submit final manuscripts that will incorporate corrections requested by reviewers or by the Organizing Committee if the manuscript is not prepared in accordance to the guidelines.

MAKO CIGRE will produce the final text of the manuscript and will ask the contact author to confirm the final version. If the contact author does not confirm within the deadline, it will be assumed that the final version is accepted.

Accepted papers published in the Conference proceedings (in electronic form) that will be distributed at the Conference.